Making the Future
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Intuition or Interference?
Q: Will you talk about how we are to understand the difference between an intuition that is growing more powerful as we walk on the spiritual path, and the presence of beings from the other side in our consciousness? I don’t personally find this very easy. Sometimes, because I am using another part of the mind than the one usually associated with the ego part when I am using my intuition, it almost seems that I am hearing voices, or receiving instructions…
Shamcher: You must very carefully judge here yourself. Don’t be afraid to do this. Many people don’t judge, even many Sufis, and they will say to themselves, “Oh, I had a vision while I was meditating, so that must be right.”
It isn’t always right.
A vision may be a spirit that is very eager to come in, or it may be simply a thought of your own that is interfering with your intuition. There is no way to tell this except by exercising your own powers of judgment. If you go running off to other people to tell you about your own spirit then you are weakening your powers every time you listen to such a person. Remember “Buddha’s farewell address…”
This gets a little bit difficult when you think about your teacher. But remember, the teacher is not someone who should tell you what to do. If he does tell you what to do then he is not a teacher. A teacher is one who helps you evolve and awaken your own latent powers of judgment and decision.
(From An Interview with Shamcher Bryn Beorse)
Making the Future
“We are making the future, we are not predicting it,” he said. “When you predict, you predict on the basis of past experiences, which have no significance anymore.
“Science mainly lives in the area of Isaac Newton-cause and effect. But today’s physicists are beginning to understand that this is just a concept we have. There is no such thing as a fixed or stationary thing. Everything is in constant movement. Not in millionths of a second, but in millionths of a millionth of a millionth. Subatomic particles are created out of the void, out of space, and again enter into space. It is the same thing in a small time period that happens in a great time period when God or Brahman or the Universe expresses itself and begets planets and plants and animals and people and spiritual longings, and then contracts again and turns it into nothing in billions of years. And there would be no satisfaction in the work for OTEC or for full employment if it weren’t for the light of this evolution.
“We don’t know whether we will have a stable or an unstable future. We don’t know whether there will be a colossal evolution or even a nuclear war. But it is our damned duty to try to lead the evolution in a sensible way. That is all we can do.”
(Interview from Bryn Beorse: In Search of Mystic Balance, by Neil Klotz, New Age Magazine, late ’70’s)
Speaking of the New Age… At a gathering, someone asked Shamcher, “What do you think of “The New Age.” “It may be new to you,” he replied.
A World Message
In the Sufi traditions in the East we find many teachers who insist on a “cadaver discipline” which may have its points — in the East. Some of those who assumed leadership after Inayat Khan followed these Eastern murshids in their attitudes and demands. Inayat Khan had been taught by his own teacher Sayed Madani to present the message in the west in exactly the way he did, a message from and for the world, not a repetition of the old Sufi traditions as such. Other people were even appointed leaders of the old Chisti order. This was, after that, no longer Inayat Khan’s order. His was a world message.
(from correspondence)
Q: Perhaps we should speak about the difference between the idea of Karma ruling our lives, and the Sufi idea of baraka–what I see as a fluid state of grace.
Shamcher: Yes. in the state of enlightenment, Karma disappears. Not only for you but the people around you, for anyone that you may think of. Karma is the spiritual equivalent for the old scientific theory of cause and effect. This is Newton’s theory. Newton is out now. The new physicist says that there is no such thing as cause and effect. And so it is for the spiritual world. Karma is a concept which is useful to explain certain things about the space in which you live. This doesn’t mean that you should believe it. It may be good to say, “I mustn’t do that because it will have such and such an effect,” but it is also important to understand that there is a definite field to which you are applying the law, and it is not true of the universe as a whole. And also to know that the spiritual path will arrive at a place where you are beyond that.
Q: Then some people need it for a time?
Shamcher: Perhaps, but you can’t tell a person that he needs it. It is all up to whether they feel that they need it. This, then, is his choice.
Q: And beyond that feeling?
Shamcher: That is where you can change yourself from a sinner to a saint in one second if you wish, or change the world.
(From An Interview with Shamcher Bryn Beorse)

Bryn, Daphne and Shamcher
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The Shamcher Bulletin is edited by Carol Sill, whose newsletter, Personal Papers, is HERE.
(Photo of lamps by Christian Buehner on Unsplash)